[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-04-22]
中频熔炼炉安全操作   1、开炉前要检查好电气设备、水冷却系统、感应器铜管等是否完好,否则禁止开炉。   2、炉膛熔损超过规定应及时修补。严禁在熔损过深坩埚内进行熔炼。   3、送电和开炉应有专人负责,送电后严禁接触感应器和电缆。当班者不得擅自离开岗位,要注意感应器和坩埚外部情况。   4、装料时,应检查炉料内有无易燃易爆等有害物品混入,如有应及时除去,严禁冷料和湿料直接加入钢液中,熔化液充满至上部后严禁大块料加入,以防结盖。   5、补炉和捣制坩埚时严禁铁屑、氧化铁混杂,捣制坩埚必须密实。   6、浇注场地及炉前地坑应无障碍物,无积水,以防钢水落地爆炸。   7、钢水不允许盛装得过满,手抬包浇注时,二人应配合一致,走路应平稳,不准急走急停,浇注后余钢要倒入指定地点,严禁乱倒。   8、中频发电机房内应保持清洁,严禁易燃易爆物品和其它杂物带进室内,室内禁止吸烟。 Medium frequency melting furnace safety operation 1, to check the good before blowing in electrical equipment, water cooling system, sensor tubes are in good condition, otherwise prohibited furnace. 2, furnace melting in excess of the prescribed shall promptly repair. It is strictly prohibited in melting too deep inside the crucible for melting. 3, sending and furnace should have someone who's in charge, after sending it is forbidden to contact sensors and cables. On duty shall not leave post, pay attention to the sensor and external circumstance of crucible. 4, loading, should check harmful items such as burden in presence of flammable and explosive mixed with, if you have to remove timely, it is forbidden to cold and wet material directly add to the liquid steel, melted liquid filled with first division after it is forbidden to chunk is expected to join in case cover. 5, and tamped crucible, scrap iron, iron oxide are forbidden to mix, rammed crucible must be compact. 6, pouring fields and official pit furnace should have no obstacle, no water, in case the steel landing explode. 7, molten steel are not allowed to dress too full, hand carry bags when pouring, two of them should be conformed to walk should be smooth, not allowed to walk fast abrupt stop, after pouring yu gang in a designated place, it is forbidden to dump. 8, intermediate frequency generator room should be kept clean, it is strictly prohibited flammable and explosive goods and other debris into indoor, indoor smoking ban.
版权所有 © 河北保定兴盛中频设备有限公司  兴盛中频电炉设备主营:中频电炉,中频电源,中频设备,熔炼炉,感应加热电炉及配件与维修等
地址:保定清苑工业区金线河堤南,保清公路保沧高速桥北,兴盛路东行300米兴盛路9号 手机:13503128018 电话:0312-7966818 联系人:高先生 网址:www.zhongpindianlu.com.cn
友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
