[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-01-14]
1、定期清除电源柜内积尘 1, regular removal of power dust contained in the cabinet 尤其是可控硅管芯外部,要用酒精擦除干净。运行中的变频装置一般都有专用机房,但实际作业环境并不理想在熔炼锻压工序,粉尘很大震动强烈。在透热淬火工序,装置厂靠近酸洗磷化等作业设备,有较多腐蚀性气体,这些都会对中频电炉相关装置的元件起到破坏作用,降低装置的绝缘强度在积尘较多时,往往会发生元件表面放电现象,因此必须注意经常清洗工作,防止故障发生; Especially the silicon controlled rectifier tube core is external, want to use alcohol to wipe clean. Operation of variable frequency device generally has special room, but the actual work environment is not ideal in the forging process of smelting and dust vibrate strongly. In heating quenching process, the device factory near the work equipment, such as pickling phosphating more corrosive gas, these will be for the intermediate frequency electric furnace related device components damage effect, decreases the insulation strength of the device are too many in the dust, the components surface discharge phenomenon can occur, so must pay attention to often clean work, prevent failure; 2、定期检查水管接头扎结是否牢靠 2, regularly check the pipe joint tie is strong 使用自来水井水作为中频电炉装置的冷却水源时,易积存水垢,影响冷却效果。在塑料水管老化产生裂纹时,应及时更换装置。在夏天运行时采用自来水井冷却往往容易发生凝露现象,应该考虑使用循环水系统,凝露严重时应该立即停止运行; Use tap water Wells as the intermediate frequency electric furnace equipment, the cooling water, easy to stockpile scale, affect the cooling effect. In the plastic conduit ageing crack, should timely replacement device. Runtime USES tap water Wells in summer cooling condensation occur easily, should consider the use of circulating water system, lon serious when should immediately stop running; 3、定期更换或清洗中频电炉相关设备的关键部件 3, regular replacement or cleaning medium frequency electric furnace key components of the related equipment 4、定期对装置进行检修 4, for device maintenance on a regular basis 对装置各部件的螺栓和紧固接触器继电器的触头要进行定期检查,若出现松动或接触不良现象,均应及时修理更换,不能勉强使用,防止引起重大事故。 Every parts of device bolt fastening contactor and relay contactor to conduct regular inspection, if appear, loosening or poor contact, shall be promptly repaired change, can not be forced to use, to prevent major accidents. 5、定期检查负载的接线是否良好,绝缘是否可靠。 5, check the wiring of the load are in good condition and are reliable. 透热感应圈内积存的氧化皮要及时清理;隔热炉衬有裂纹要及时跟换;熔炼炉在更新炉衬后,应注意检查;绝缘变频装置的负载都设在工作现场,故障比较高,而往往被人忽视,因此,加强对负载的维护,防止故障波及变频电源是保证装置正常运行的重要一环。 Heat-sensitive circles through the accumulation of scale should be clear in time; Heat insulation lining crack to follow change in time; Melting furnace after the update lining, inspection should be paid attention to; Insulation of variable frequency device load in work site, the fault is higher, but often neglected, therefore, to strengthen the maintenance of the load, to prevent the failure affected variable frequency power supply is an important link to ensure normal operation of the plant.
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地址:保定清苑工业区金线河堤南,保清公路保沧高速桥北,兴盛路东行300米兴盛路9号 手机:13503128018 电话:0312-7966818 联系人:高先生 网址:www.zhongpindianlu.com.cn
友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
