[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-01-17]
低通滤波器(DL ) 回路阻抗变大, 使逆变端晶闸管工作不对称及载流子积蓄效应所积累的静电荷未能及时放掉, 因而开通、关断特性变坏。关断不良导致逆变失败, 形成过流。低通滤波器类似于一个小电抗器, 用6mm 2 漆包线绕制而成, 接在负载部分, 与倍压电容器相并联, 与炉子感应圈相连通。作为当逆变端工作不对称时泄放晶闸管积累的静电电荷的通路。它与负载回路的连接导线, 其截面应是10mm 2 以上的铜线, 长度愈短愈好, 以减少泄放回路的阻抗, 保证静电电荷以一定的速率放掉, 确保逆变成功。有时静电电荷形成的电流很大, 会使低通滤波器严重发热以致烧坏。过流保护板中起保护作用的晶闸管特性变坏时, 其灵敏度增加, 当启动电流未达到过流整定值时便触发导通, 发出过流信号去封锁控制电源, 使逆变失败。 Low pass filter (DL) circuit impedance change, make the thyristor inverter side work asymmetric effect and carrier savings accumulated static charges failed to put off, so open, shut off the bad. Shut off the bad cause the failure of inverter, form flow. Low pass filter is similar to a small reactor, with 6 mm 2 enameled wire winding and become, in part load, and shunt capacitor, pressure of The Times in connecting with induction coil, furnace. As when the inverter side work asymmetric discharge path of thyristor accumulation of electrostatic charge. It is connected to the load circuit conductor, its cross section should be more than 10 mm 2 copper wire, length is very short time, in order to reduce the impedance of the discharge circuit, ensure release the electrostatic charges at a certain rate, and to ensure the success of the inverter. Sometimes the formation of electrostatic charge current is very big, can make a low pass filter severe fever that burn out. Over-current protection board in the protective characteristics of thyristor go bad, the sensitivity increases, when the current is not triggered when it reaches the set values for the flow conduction, signal flow to blockade control power supply, inverter failed. 对角线桥臂的逆变管有一臂因没有触发脉冲而不导通。这样, 开通的管子就关不断, 此时功率因数很低, 启动电流很大, 即产生过流保护动作。 The inverter tube has a diagonal line bridge arm arm for not trigger pulse without conduction. In this way, the opening of the tube shut up continuously, the low power factor, the starting current is large, the over-current protection action.
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友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
