[来源:www.zhongpinshebei.com] [作者:aywl] [日期:17-04-05]

1.维护中频炉首先要做到一个星期或半个月停机检查机器所有性能,以便及时了解设备的情况,以下为每天必须做的以及一星期或半月的检查步骤。 1. Maintenance of intermediate frequency furnace, first of all, stop the machine to do a week or half a month to check all performance of machine, in order to understand the equipment in time, the following is a must do every day and check the steps of a week or half month. 2.为了机器在工作的时候更好的被使用,每天必须: 2. In order to machine better be used at work, every day must: (1)使用测温枪观察可控硅以及阻容保护电阻的温度和均压电阻的工作温度。其中测温时间分为3个阶段:第一次测温为机器运行第一炉钢水的时候大约开三分之一的功率后约5到10分钟后测温。第二次是大约这炉钢水快满的时候再测一次。然后就第三次在熔炼结束的时候也就是今天的最后一炉满功率的情况下测温。当然以上的3次测温都需要记录以便及时的发现问题和解决问题。 (2)每天检查电缆的螺丝有无松动现像。 (1) the use of temperature measuring gun observation of SCR and resistance capacity to protect the temperature of the resistance and compressive resistance of the working temperature. Including temperature measuring time is divided into three stages: the first time of molten steel temperature measuring for machine run first furnace when about a third of the open power after about 5 to 10 minutes after the temperature measurement. The second is about the furnace steel measure fast full again. Then the third time at the end of the melting today is the last of the furnace under the condition of full power measurement. Of course all three temperature measurement of the above need to record so as to find and solve problems timely. (2) check whether there is any looseness on the screws of the cable is like a day. (3)每天开机之前必须确认电源水泵以及炉体水泵的开启,水压为电源柜内1.5到1.7公斤压力,炉体1.5到2公斤压力。 (3) every day you must confirm the power supply before starting the pump and open furnace water pump, hydraulic pressure as power contained in 1.5 to 1.7 kg pressure, furnace pressure 1.5 to 2 kg. (4)炉体水电缆附近保持干净无铁屑以及金属物体。 (4) furnace water clean without iron and metal objects near the cable. 3.运行设备之前必须提前开水泵10分钟,以便观察有无漏水以及渗水情况如有发现立刻处理,以免造成影响生产。 3. Run the equipment before must open the pump for 10 minutes ahead of schedule, in order to observe any leakage and water penetration conditions such as have found immediately deal with, so as not to affect production. 4.机器如果在检测到可控硅温度异常应该立刻检查原因,看看是否水管折了起来引起水流量不够而发热,或者是可控硅管套里面有污垢堵塞现象。 4. If the machine is detected SCR temperature anomaly should immediately check the reason, see if gives out heat pipes to fold up cause flow is not enough, or is silicon controlled rectifier tube set there was dirt blocking phenomenon. 5.如果发现整流的阻容保护的电阻温度明显和其他电阻不一样应该立刻检查原因是否电容开路或者电阻已经损坏等等。一般会使电抗器明显的有开机时嗡嗡声感觉有点抖动现象。 5. If it is found that resistance capacity to protect the resistance of the temperature of the rectifier and other resistance should immediately check whether reason capacitance resistance or open, and so on have been damaged. Tend to make the reactor obviously has buzzing feeling a bit dithering phenomenon when the phone is switched on. 6.当每个星期或每半个月检查维护的时候注意: 6. When check every week or every half a month to maintain the note: (1)逆变阻容保护上面的线槽有无掉落现象以免发生短路无感电阻而烧坏KK管。如有发现立刻用扎带扎好就可以。 (1) inverter resistance capacity to protect the top slot for the fall to avoid short-circuit non-inductive resistor and KK pipe burn out. If you have found good with tie can immediately. (2)每个星期需要紧固一次设备的螺丝以及水卡以免掉落或松动而引起的设备损坏。 (2) each week need to tighten screw a equipment and water card so as not to fall or loose and cause equipment damage. (3)每个星期观察一次液压的液压油有无不够现象,一般至少要有保持在80%的油量。 (3) watch a week have a hydraulic hydraulic oil without enough phenomenon, generally at least keep in 80% of the oil. (4)看地方而言有些厂家水质量比较底下的请做好中频电源的柜内水路分配器有无腐烂水嘴现象工作,如果严重请做好一套水分配器以便与及时整根换下,严禁一个一个水嘴拆卸后在机器上焊接。这样会严重影响生产进度以及带来不必要的时间损失。一般3个月更换一次水分配器针对敞开式水路系统。如果全封闭系统的话争取半年至一年一次的更换。 For the (4) to see where some factory water quality comparison under please get ark of intermediate frequency power supply water dispenser presence of decay phenomenon of water mouth, if serious, please prepare a set of water dispenser to the whole root out in time, it is strictly prohibited to a welding mouth after removal of a water in the machine. This will seriously affect the production schedule and cause unnecessary loss of time. Replacement of a water dispenser normally 3 months for open water system. If closed system for six months to one year of a replacement. 7.对与管套的清洗一般用20%的浓度的稀盐酸在水管套里循环10分钟到15分钟时间。一般洗完后必须用100%的清水通过一次并用压缩空气吹干后在使用,以免让盐酸腐烂管套。 7. To the tube set of cleaning with 20% concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid in the water pipe set cycle for 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Generally must with 100% of the water after washing them in a single and compressed air to blow dry after use, so as not to make hydrochloric acid decomposition pipe sleeve. 8.液压维护要点:使用液压油需注意油的清洁度以及油的量问题。一般需要半年更换一次液压油,一个月清洗一次过滤网。注意液压站里面有两个滤网千万别让在液压站底部工作。一定要放在液压站里面的架子上,以免液压站里面的铁屑进入液压泵而损坏泵。 8. Hydraulic maintenance points: the use of hydraulic oil need to pay attention to the purity of the oil and oil quantity problem. Replacement of a hydraulic oil usually need to half a year, a month to clean screen pack at a time. Pay attention to the inside of the hydraulic pressure station, there are two screen don't work in the bottom of the hydraulic station. Hydraulic station must be put in the shelf, in order to avoid damage to the pump iron into hydraulic pump of the hydraulic station.

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地址:保定清苑工业区金线河堤南,保清公路保沧高速桥北,兴盛路东行300米兴盛路9号 手机:13503128018 电话:0312-7966818 联系人:高先生 网址:www.zhongpindianlu.com.cn
友链:玻璃钢管 蠕动泵 护坡砖模具
